RBS Declined Me Then Accepted Me Then Closed My Account

BBL Helpline


I have been reading through some of your threads. I have had 2 BBL applications rejected by RBS the last time they said they had completed checks and still could not proceed.

I had given up hope to be honest but after reading your thread I was wondering if you had any advice on what I should do next.

Note: one of the main reasons is when your soft credit check throws up a mismatch so check that your only hope otherwise is to try another bank which is difficult right now, but I would try and find out which credit ref company they used and check for mismatches with your personal info as 9 times out of 10 that is the problem, if you have a pulse and meet the criteria you should get a bbl

Thanks, I’ll get on to them tomorrow and see what info they have that caused the declines app.

Emailed Experian, hopefully this helps resolve the issue. I’ve re-applied

Just had final agreement sent. Maybe just maybe the error on Experian was the issue after all. I had given up on it until I saw your tweets

RBS paid me today and then closed my business account almost immediately. Says they’ll send a letter I’ve just searched and I’m not the only one this has happened to. Unbelievable

Tried today but they could not explain other than to say the account had been removed. I won’t let it lie though. Bastards