Not Impressed with Yorkshire Bank and Clydesdale

BBL Helpline


Morning, just some info reference Yorkshire Bank / Clydesdale. I investigated on behalf of a number of businesses.

Speaking to both the British Business Bank and then the trade body over the past 3 days it seems likely that nobody was paid out from the BBL scheme until approximately 24 hours ago.

The reasoning hasn’t been made apparent and I believe the only reason it feels like it is affecting a small number is purely due to the difference in customer base size compared to bigger banks.

As a press enquiry to YB / Clydesdale / Virgin and BBB none wanted to give any figures of application size or pay out data. And that’s an obvious tell that it wasn’t positive.

Still have a dozen local businesses who applied Monday 4th who are yet to receive comms or payment. 2 received payment yesterday.

You’re doing a grand job, don’t underestimate the massive comfort provided by a business owner understanding they’re not alone and it’s not just them .