Not Impressed with Lloyds Bank

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Lloyds bank are a nightmare i have had personal account with them for over 3 years been paying my business money through that but was advised to apply for business loan which i did.

On 1st june my account had been opened snd i had my account number and sort code. Within 5 days i had received my business debit card along with my business cheque book paying in book card reader and online banking stuff.

I applied for a BBL of 50k based on my projected earning and when i logged onto my online banking the loan had been paid in based on this i informed everyone i owed money to through the business that i would be settling them up to date

Great i thought my business had been saved. Here is where it goes pear shaped. Itried to tranfer funds from the Bbl but was declined and the account was suspended and i cant access it at all it takes me to the log on page and when i put my details in it just shows a your account is suspended message. I tried calling the number shown several times but kept being told there was no update.

I have emailed the CEO of Lloyds bank but had no response. I then receivef a call from a very stroppy young girl who proceeded to ask me questions about my business. Such as where did i bank my money. Was i paid by cash or cheque. Also what was the average size and cost of a job. She then said well no large payments are showing in your account do you have invoices you can email across to us

Seeing as i am at my whits end i agreed to do this and have sent some over. Dont know if i did right thing or even if they were right to question me that way she made me feel like a criminal when all i am doing is trying to keep my business afloat. I am going to call the bank again tommorow and demand answers i think they have had enough time. I am also going to email the banks CEO again as he needs to know about this.

Please can you advise me of what else i can possibly do to get them to release my account as i am now under so much pressure. I have people knocking my ftont door after money. They think i have lied to them due to lloyds actions. My wife has moved out of our home as she is scared. I am really at my whits end. Please help