No major news to report during the past week sadly on the Bounce Back Loan front, with NO new accredited lenders, all banks bar Starling accepting NO new customers, its looking like November will be a month of NO’s for those still after a loan.
There was some good news for many of my followers on Twitter, quite a lot of them did get an invite from Starling Bank during the week having been on their Bounce Back Loan waiting list for quite some time, and many of them did get approved.
Sadly, as is always the case a small percentage of them were declined and as such they have nowhere else currently to turn.
I did run a quick pol when it became apparent many followers of my Twitter account had been invited and here is the result of that poll.
Friday evening saw many of those approved paid and to show its not all doom and gloom on Planet Bounce Back Loan below are some of their tweets and messages sent to me.
Not a lot happens over the weekend sadly regarding Bounce Back Loans, however HSBC do often send out Echo-Signs, Payments and approve Feeder Accounts on a Saturday, so Good Luck if you are waiting for them to pull their finger out.