My Email to the Barclays CEO Worked Wonders

Emergency Fundraiser

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Our Barclays BBL Hell…

After first applying online when the system went live in early May we got an error message, error 41 to be precise and that’s where the fun started. Well it’s now July 6th and we are still getting nowhere.

We wasted a month using secure online messaging, requesting callbacks and phoning before we were finally told in an online message that we needed to contact our business relationship manager (BRM) to update our account details.

We did that quite smoothly and the BRM said it would take two further weeks for the paperwork to be processed. It’s now been over a month since this all took place. Our BRM is no longer responding to my phone calls or the messages that we have left. On the 28th June we requested to make an official complaint online through secure messaging and there’s been no response to that either.

Our limited company, which runs our free-house pub has banked with Barclays for over 15 years. We even have the commercial mortgage on the pub itself with them. Never had an overdraft or been overdrawn and during the last financial year we’ve always had well over £10k as a balance at all times.

I’m finding very hard to read stories of new businesses flying through this process and yet they cannot give us one straight answer or an update as to what is causing this delay.

Today I’ve left a message with my local branch to try and arrange a meeting to get some straight answer.

Has anyone else been waiting this long with Barclays?


I put a comment here (Monday I think) regarding My Barclays Hell and just want to update you that after taking a few tips from other posts I’ve received a response and today the loan was paid into our account.

What I did was make a formal complaint online via online banking messaging and also got my accountant to chase it up with Barclays but I think what really got things moving was emailing the CEO (

I got an email reply from Barclays Executive office yesterday apologising and stating that it was being processed and then my Business relationship manager finally makes contact(after ignoring me for weeks) and says our account is no longer flagged and we can apply. And that’s it. Applied for and funds received within 24hrs!

Thank you very much for setting up this site – it’s been a god send.