Moving onto Week Thirty Three of the Bounce Back Loan Scheme

BBL Helpline


Week thirty three of the Bounce Back Loan scheme came and went, and that week covered the days from the 14th of December through to and including the 20th of December 2020.

The video below will show you a few of the messages I received during week thirty three of the scheme, which included the usual success stories and the continued problems some people were experiencing.

Below you will see an overview of anything that did happen of interest and an insight into the many ongoing problems that were still being experienced throughout week thirty three of the Bounce Back Loan scheme.

It was becoming apparent that many people who qualified for and had applied for a top up with HSBC were not going to get one before Christmas and the New Year, for no matter how many times those who applied for one with that bank contacted the customer support team, they would be told to simply wait.

I saw a few people finally get a Feeder Account set up with HSBC by the way this week and also Metro Bank were overturning a few BBL declines they had sent out weeks ago too, so it was not all doom and gloom this week.

One thing that was also proving to be annoying for many people was that some of them had been approved for a Bounce Back Loan with some lenders, had been paid out those loans but were told their accounts were being closed for no reason, even though their BBLs were not being snatched back that meant those that did have their accounts closed could not then get a top up with those banks.

Conister Bank were sending out top up forms to a handful of people who badgered them but were also telling some people who asked about a top up they were not offering them just yet and they should wait, more nonsense from that bank yet again.

The new Bounce Bank Loan lender for those living in Manchester was slowly but surely working through applications, and that process was a long and drawn out one for many, but complaints continued to pour in from those that had been declined by that lender which for reference is GC Business Finance.