Make Sure That You Familiarise Yourself With All Available Business Grants As You May Just Qualify For One

BBL Helpline


You may have missed out on a Bounce Back Loan or may have given up any hope of getting a Recovery Loan but do keep in mind that there are many grants available to business owners that you may just qualify for.

With that in mind below you will find a complete list of all grants that are being publicised by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

Simply click on any of them and you will be taken to the respective page of the Government website (will open in a new window) where you will find additional information on each grant.

Provides free business development support and guidance.

Grants and support to increase research, development and innovation in agritech.

Vouchers to access external expertise, facilities and equipment to help your business innovate and grow.

Offers free support and guidance for graduates of any university in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland to start a business in Staffordshire.

Free, quick and easy access to a directory of approved finance suppliers for UK businesses.

Advice, workshops, loans and innovation grant services for start-up and trading businesses in Cambridgeshire, Essex, Norfolk and Suffolk

Grants to help new start-up and established SMEs looking to grow or relocate to the Borough of Scarborough.

Energy reviews and grants to help businesses in the West Midlands manage and reduce energy costs.

Grants from £2,000 to £25,000 for capital projects.

Grants for established businesses in Mansfield that can produce a growth plan leading to job creation.

Capital grants to support expansion projects that create jobs in the Leeds City Region area.

Grant support for growth businesses trading over 6 months in the Greater Birmingham & Solihull LEP area.

Grant support for individuals and businesses looking to start, grow and expand in the Marches LEP area.

Finder to help businesses based in Scotland find funding from private and public organisations.

A range of business growth programmes to help businesses start, succeed and grow.

Grant to fund new businesses in the Mansfield area.

Grant to funds projects that help the Elmbridge economy, including improving empty shop fronts

Grants to help with community and rural conservation projects.

Support and funding to help businesses increase their competitiveness in the construction sector

Grants, free energy audits and low carbon product development support for businesses.

A fund to support competitions which solve business and scientific ‘challenges’ and deliver commercial benefits.

Grant funding towards capital investment projects

Grant funding towards business productivity and efficiency projects

Support and grants for SMEs to help them to reduce carbon emissions.

Workshops, mentoring and a possible business development grant of up to £5,000 designed to help digital SMEs looking to grow.

Support and grants to help diverse and minority-owned businesses to enter the supply chains of large public and private sector organisations.

Grants and support to help SMEs across Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire to recruit and retain talented students and graduates.

Combined grants and loans towards capital purchases for your business.

Grant towards an energy efficiency project like a lighting, heating or equipment upgrade that will reduce energy bills and environmental impact.

Business support and grant funding for energy efficiency projects.

Grant funding and specialist support for food and drink manufacturers

Business support and advice for companies that want to bid for work in the civil nuclear industry

Funding, technical and business expertise, networks and partnerships for businesses who are looking to develop a space-based service.

Tools, resources and collaborative networks to help businesses innovate, grow and adapt for long-term success.

Business support and possible grants for SMEs in Hertfordshire, designed to help identify and overcome barriers to growth.

Grant contribution to pay towards upgrading business broadband to a high-speed capable connection.

Grants for property, development, research, staff, advice and equipment to develop your business.

Energy efficiency grants and advice for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Leicester and Leicestershire.

West Midlands based SMEs conducting commercial operations in Birmingham could be eligible for up to €200,000 to upgrade their vehicle fleet.

Funding to help restore neglected historic buildings and sites and unlock their economic potential.

Grants of between £2,500 to £5,000 for high growth businesses in Bristol, South Gloucestershire, North Somerset, Bath and North East Somerset.

Funding for research or innovation that’s ground breaking, improves European research standards or responds to challenges like climate change or food security.

Scheme to enable knowledge transfer between scientists in industry and academia.

Supports innovative UK businesses to realise the potential of new technologies, develop ideas and make them a commercial success.

Expert advice for businesses looking to commercialise new ideas and succeed in international markets

Innovation vouchers and workshops to help SMEs develop new processes and systems to improve efficiency and introduce new products and services.

Grant programme focusing on improving health outcomes by speeding up the development of, and patient access to, innovative medicines.

Free financial support for businesses looking to relocate or expand in the Nottinghamshire area.

Loans and grants to support private sector businesses across the East Midlands to innovate, grow and create jobs.

Grants and loans for social enterprises in the North and the Midlands.

Free support to help businesses in Dorset reduce their carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency and aid the development of new low carbon products

Offers grants to implement energy efficiency measures.

Offers grants to implement energy efficiency measures.

Offers grants to implement energy efficiency measures.

Free advice and support for small and medium-sized manufacturing businesses.

Grants to support growth of micro and small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Greater Lincolnshire.

Free, impartial consultancy service for SMEs, helping them to understand their skills needs and how to grow their business.

Grant funding for business growth projects that lead to job creation.

A searchable database that can help you find publicly-funded sources of business assistance that you may be eligible to apply for.

Mentoring, start-up business courses and support schemes for businesses based in the North East of England

Innovation funding for small businesses in York, North Yorkshire and East Riding.

Tailored support from the University of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University and the University of Derby for meaningful and sustainable productivity improvements to increase turnover, competitiveness and profitability.

Grants for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop and test early stage innovative business ideas.

Grants for the repair and conservation of historic buildings, monuments and landscapes.

Small grants towards projects over £4,000 for Dorset businesses with ambitions to grow.

South East Creatives is a business development and grant programme supporting freelancers and sole traders, start-up and growing businesses working in Essex, East Sussex or Kent.

Grant scheme for Staffordshire businesses to pay for external specialist advice to help develop or market a new product or service.

Grants to help with social and rural economic development projects.

Support, workshops and grants to help SMEs who transport goods or deliver services, to improve their use of data.

Free advice and possible grant funding for residents thinking of starting a business in certain priority sectors.

Free workshops, business mentoring, networking and grant funding for people starting or growing a business in the Coast to Capital LEP area.

Grant funding for business growth projects that lead to job creation. The scheme is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Free business support, workshops, grants and incubation space for new businesses in Hertfordshire.

Workspace with on-site business support in Weston-super-Mare.

Grant programme for eligible SMEs to develop the skills of existing and new employees.

Small grants to help fund projects that will generate tourism and similar economic benefits in Eden.