Just 6 of the 41,500 Business Owners That Got a Bounce Back Loan Over in Northern Ireland Have Been Disqualified for BBL Related Wrongdoing

BBL Helpline

For those of you interested in the state of play of the Bounce Back Loan scheme over in Northern Ireland, I asked the Department for the Economy in Belfast, how many Directors have been banned for BBL related skulduggery.

For reference 2.7% of Bounce Back Loans were drawn down by business owners in Northern Ireland, which equates to around some 41,500 BBLs.

A spokesperson for the Department for the Economy said:

“The Department can confirm that as of 19 March 2024 there have been 6 individuals disqualified as a result of misconduct related to Bounce Back loans.”

You will find a full insight into just who those Directors are, and what they did, in the following news updates:

County Down Based Director Given a 7 Year Ban For Using His Company’s Bank of Ireland Bounce Back Loan to Pay Himself a Significant Increase in Salary When the Company’s Turnover Was Decreasing Year on Year

75 Year Old County Down Based Director Accepts an 11 Year Ban for Blagging a Bounce Back Loan of £18,000 from Ulster Bank By Over-Egging His Business Turnover     

County Down Based Director Banned for 7 Years For Blagging a Bounce Back Loan from Barclays By Over-Egging His £0 Turnover to Obtain That Loan

County Antrim Based Director Given a 7 Year Ban for Misapplication of Company Funds By Massively Increasing His Salary Using Funds from a Danske Bank Bounce Back Loan

County Down Based Director Given an 8 Year Ban for Over-Egging His Turnover to Get, and Misusing Funds from an Ulster Bank Bounce Back Loan

Co. Down, N Ireland Based Company Director Slapped with an 11 Year Ban for Blagging a £50,000 Bounce Back Loan From Barclays Bank For His Business That Wasn’t Trading with £0 Turnover and Transferring the Money to Himself