Judge Locks Up Drugs Gang Member For Two Years With an Additional 6 Months For Over-Egging His Turnover to Get a Bounce Back Loan

You may recall the story months ago about a Judge who had before him a drugs gang and was fuming when he found out one of the gang had taken out a Bounce Back Loan.

He ranted and raged at discovering this, much more so when it was discovered that BBL was worth some £50k and the chap who had applied for it was not only part of the gang but had over-egged his business turnover to get that loan, and he called for an explanation of why it was so easy to get a BBL that way.

The upshot is, Judge Manley has just sentenced that drugs gang and slapped that gang member with the BBL to an extra six months.

Judge Manley “It’s astonishing that no basic checks were carried out for the loans and all you had to do was simply tell them what your turnover was, its astonishing for the court to learn this”.

No one else is astonished…..

You can read more on this case by following the link below:
