I Was Sent Out a Dodgy EchoSign By HSBC

BBL Helpline


Hi, just wondered if you have any idea when I will get my BBL from HSBC from your experience?

I applied 14th May, echo signed on 16th June, now it’s the 22nd and still waiting

Note: 16th of june echosigns have a technical problem they will probably send you out another one they have messed up like this before

Oh for god sake! Just when I thought this ordeal was coming to an end! They are an absolute joke. Thank you for the information

Just had a second echo sign through! I signed it straight away so hopefully I won’t have to wait too much longer

Note: Excellent you will be back soon telling me you have been paid!

I seriously hope so! After all this time I won’t believe it until I see it

I finally believe it I have been Paid!