HSBC Zombie Feeder Accounts Finally Rising from the Dead

BBL Helpline


It appears, that HSBC have finally started to resurrect their feeder accounts from the dead, as I have received one, just one, report of someone having such an account brought back to life and therefore starting the top up process for those customers.

So, as it stands for the never ending number of you out there that have been contacting me via email and DM over on Twitter there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

Due to the sheer volume of much more so emails I am getting I cannot promise to reply to you all, but I am trying my hardest to do so, so if you have emailed me, I am not being ignorant if I have not replied I do get a huge number of them each day.

I know those of you who have a business account with that bank and have requested a top up will be fuming at that news if they have not processed your top up yet, however I am hoping after over nine weeks now of waiting your agonising and frustrating wait for those additional funds may be soon coming to an end and they will soon be on their way.

As to what else is happening out there, well the Discretionary Business Grants that many of you have never have a sniff of are becoming available, many councils that are waiting for funds have been promised them by Friday at the latest.

My campaign to get them available to every small business owner irrespective of whether they pay business rates or not has been semi-fruitful, thanks to the barrage of emails and phone calls you have all been making to your local MP’s and Councils and even members of your local council that has seen some of them jumping into action and making them available to those who do not pay business rates.

However, many Councils are claiming, and they do have a point, that the amount of cash they have been allocated by Rishi is nowhere near enough to ensure all SME’s will get a decent grant, so keep that in mind.

Also, be aware some Councils are playing hardball and currently appear to have no inclination to offer Discretionary Business Grants to SME’s if they do not pay business rates, if you have the misfortune of being located in one of those areas do not give up your battle and continue to badger your local MP and remind them of what Rishi said about those grants.