HSBC Usually Pay in 2 Days of EchoSign Being Returned

BBL Helpline


Hi, I got this through last night! Assuming there’s no hidden agendas and I’ve been 100% approved and can expect the funds?

If I do that would be great, any reasons you have seen why it wouldn’t be? Just so I can prepare for disappointment haha!

I applied for an HSBC business account 3 weeks ago, was then fully set up within around 2 weeks.

I applied for the BBL on same day account was approved.

7 days later I received approval for the BBL along with e-sign & DD.

Now just awaiting funds.

Note: HSBC usually pay within 2 business days of the EchoSign being signed and returned to them, and whilst that is never set in stone they have started to hit that time scale for most applicants.