HSBC Lost My Original Bounce Back Loan Application

BBL Helpline


Afternoon, we applied last Thurs 4th May for a Bounce Back loan with HSBC To date as with many other customers nothing back apart from the acknowledgement email. Have phoned many times and passed from dept tp dept no one seems to what is going on. Even went to my local branch and told the same. If we run our companies the way they are we all would be out of business. Just an email to say yes or no not that hard. well l keep my fingers crossed

Just a quick update on our application. We applied on 4th May for BBL To date no further emails. On advice from this site applied again same thing email from HSBC saying they had received application. So 20 mins ago l thought sod it l went on my hsbc on line banking chat, and have been talking to a nice lady called Niz Patel. Who very kindly informed me our application is on the system and is being reviewed and in due course we will get an email from signa eforms.

She also informed me that the original application had been lost, so l would say if you applied in the first few days of launch then l would apply again, it will not hurt you. So once again fingers crossed

Good afternoon Sir, just for the info l have been taking to hsbc who have confirmed that my application sent on the 4th of May never ended up on the system, nor my second application.

The two l sent was on my company laptop which is Google Chrome. The application l sent on the 11th May is and confirmed on there system. So it may be they have problems with chrome. So may pay other HSBCs who applied using Chrome to apply using different system