HSBC Continue to Ignore Customer Pleas for Bounce Back Loan and Top Up Updates

BBL Helpline


For a bank the size of HSBC, you would imagine that they would be on the ball when it comes to customer support. However, nothing could be further than the truth.

Today is one month since they launched their Bounce Back Loan top-up facility and whilst many people who were eligible for a top up and needed one have applied, no further communication about their top up has been forthcoming, other than the initial email confirming an application has been submitted.

Below are just a tiny selection of Tweets I came across this morning to HSBC from not only those seeking a top up but also those desperately seeking an update on their original Bounce Back Loan application.

Waiting Since June for a Bounce Back Loan

Feeder Account Did Not Fire Out Funds 

Top Up Not Yet Processed Since November 10th

No Word on Business Account Application After 11 Weeks

Phone Call Cut Off Repeatedly 

Weeks of Silence from HSBC

4 Months Just Waiting

Poor Service 

6 Months Wait Then a Decline 

Never Ending Wait

British Business Bank Continue with their Wokey Nonsense

You would have thought the supposed “rule-maker” of the Bounce Back Loan scheme, that being the British Business Bank, would be all over HSBC and kicking their arse, but no, they just continue to tweet out inane nonsense, with their latest tweet being a prime example of the parallel universe as someone said to me yesterday that they live in:

They simply do not get the fact their lack of action and support is causing a mental health crisis for many an SME, and also the delays, declines and even being unable to even apply for a Bounce Back Loan and/or Top Up will also cause  many small businesses to fail too. How in God’s name can business owners “manage their staff’s mental health” when their own mental health is at breaking point, through no fault of their own.