How I Set Up a Feeder Account with HSBC

BBL Helpline


Hi! I applied for a feeder account with HSBC on the 4th May as I business bank with Monzo.

After hours on the phone they said the account would be setup in 3-5 business days.

Got an email on the 19th said that the rep did not take my phone number down correctly, so they are emailing.

They then called me to make an appointment for a call

I said not been funny but let’s do that call ASAP and to be fair this lady was great and called me back that afternoon.

Completed a bunch of checks and everything signed and way by Thursday 21st.

Having read this twitter feed it sounds like the feeder accounts might be a waste of time and I may even have to email the CEO?

Yes screen share, director details and esign was completed on Thursday.

You know I understand the banks are overwhelmed and it’s great to hear they are going the extra mile over the bank holiday weekend.

Happy to be patient though now a little concerned that patient people will just be forgotten

The person who set the account up for me emailed to saw they are now on annual leave

Thanks! Some commitment and dedication to help people on display here. Well done