Foroogh Hasooni The Director of TOIP Limited Starting a 10 Year Ban Today for Over-Egging Her Turnover to Blag a £50,000 Bounce Back Loan from Barclays

BBL Helpline


Here are the details of this case.

On 05 June 2020, Foroogh Hasooni (“Ms Hasooni”) caused TOIP Limited (“TOIP”) to make a Bounce Back Loan (“BBL”) application of £50,000 when she knew or ought to have known that TOIP was not entitled to a loan of that amount.

Ms Hasooni made a wrongful declaration on the BBL application using an overestimated turnover figure of £250,000.

As a result, TOIP received more BBL funds than it was entitled to.

In that:

  • The terms of the BBL Scheme stated that the company could apply for a loan of up to 25% of the Company’s turnover, from a minimum of £2,000, up to a maximum of £50,000.
  • The turnover figure was self-certified by the applicant.
  • The turnover figure required was that for the calendar year 2019 or where a business was established after 01 January 2019 it is the estimated turnover.
  • TOIP was incorporated on 16 May 2019 and was therefore eligible to estimate turnover from the date that the business started.
  • Analysis of TOIP’s bank statements suggest that between 31 January 2020 and 05 June 2020, TOIP had a turnover of £17,660.
  • TOIP’s professionally prepared accounts for year ending 31 May 2020 and subsequently filed at Companies House showed that it was dormant.
  • On 05 June 2020, Ms Hasooni applied for a BBL of £50,000 on behalf of TOIP.
  • On the BBL application that Ms Hasooni signed, she stated TOIP’s estimated turnover as £250,000.
  • On 08 June 2020, TOIP received a BBL of £50,000. TOIP’s professionally prepared accounts for year ending 31 May 2021 and subsequently filed at Companies House also showed that it was dormant.
  • Ms Hasooni has failed to provide sufficient documentation to support the level of turnover claimed in the BBL application.
  • Total liabilities at Liquidation amounted to £60,155.
  • No repayments were made towards the BBL as and when due resulting in a £50,000 liability at Liquidation.