Does a BBL count towards State aid allowance?

BBL Helpline


If the business self-declares as not being a “business in difficulty” on 31 December 2019, then any previous de minimis State aid does not impact a business’ eligibility for the Scheme. Any aid received under the Retail,

Hospitality and Leisure Grant and any Business Interruption Payment received under the Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme will count towards their total State aid allowance under the Temporary Framework. Businesses are required to self-declare that, since 19 March 2019, they have not received more than £711,200 in State aid under the State Aid Temporary Framework (or £106,680 in the case of fisheries and aquaculture businesses, or £88,900 for agriculture businesses).

If the business self-declares as being a “business in difficulty” on 31 December 2019, then additional de minimis State aid restrictions apply.