Despite Travel Chaos I Will be Filming My Latest Fireside Chat on Tuesday With the British Business Bank

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Tuesday the 21st of June 2022 is the day when I am filming my latest Fireside Chat, this time with the British Business Bank.

Obviously with the travel disruption, getting to and from London is a challenge, however all being well I will be with them first thing in the morning for the recording.

Topics of conversation will be all things Bounce Back Loan related, with some looking back and at how the scheme was set up, how things panned out when the BBL scheme was live along with discussions on the current state of play.

I will be chatting to Patrick Magee – Chief Commercial Officer of the British Business Bank and another guest who has kindly agreed to take part who will be representing  28 of the Bounce Back Loan lenders.

As you would expect I have a large list of questions to put to them both, covering many different aspects of the Bounce Back Loan scheme, and if anyone can answer them, it will be Patrick and my additional guest.

Topics to be Covered

I will also be asking them for more background information on the current tribunal case regarding calls for everyone with a Bounce Back Loan (either repaying or not) to be named, the British Business Bank are putting up a spirited defence against that happening and I want to learn more about that, as I know a lot of business owners are aghast at the thought of being publicly named.

Patrick is a fount of knowledge when it comes to figures relating to Bounce Back Loans, so I will of course be asking for updates on defaults, PAYG take-up and all manner of other related figures.

I have also put together several questions relating to arrears, missed payments, and even tailored repayment plans, and will be discussing what happens to those unable to repay and both Patrick and the guest will be able to shed light on that from both the British Business Banks’, and the lenders point of view and discuss additional help and support available.

As some lenders are asking for their Government Guarantees to be pulled on some BBLs after making errors and the suchlike on some of them and as the British Business Bank are auditing all guarantee claims put in and yanking the guarantees on some of them, I will also be asking them what that means for a borrower if their Bounce Back Loan guarantee has been yanked.

I do of course have all manner of other questions which I will be putting to each of them, and once filmed I will get the video out there as soon as possible.