The Disqualification Files

Barclays Get the High Court to Wind Up Another Company That Didn’t Repay a Bounce Back Loan With Its Director Getting an 11 Year Ban After She Admitted It Never Had Any Turnover, Despite Claiming on the BBL Application Form Its Turnover was £198,000

Another of the 100 or so Companies that Barclays took to the High Court to get wound up has come to light, as you will see in this report, with the Director of that Company being slapped with an 11 year ban: […]

The Disqualification Files

With No Accounting Records Supplied and With BBL Bounty Hunters Not Willing to Touch the Case as the Director Has No Assets and Lives Abroad, a Company Director Gets a 9 Year Ban and Santander Claim on the BBL Guarantee

Another case for you to peruse, this one left the Liquidator puzzled as to whether the business was eligible for the Santander BBL he discovered it had got, which was not mentioned on the Statement of Affairs. No BBL Bounty Hunting type firm […]

Subscriber Special 2

BBL Lender Uses “SWAT Team” / “Bounty Hunters” to Go Tracking Down Ne’er Do Wells Who Scammed Them Out of Bounce Back Loans for a Share of Any Recoveries – Early Results Reported as Being “Impressive”

Not sure how to describe the group that one major BBL Lender has teamed up with to recover dodgy Bounce Back Loans, I am stuck between “Swat Team” or “Bounty Hunters”, but either way they have been getting some impressive results very recently […]