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After Working Out That a Company Director Had Over-Egged His Business Turnover and As He Wouldn’t Explain Where the Funds Went from a £35k Barclays BBL the Insolvency Service Slap Him With an 11 Year Disqualification

It has been quiet this week regarding Insolvency Service slapping’s handed out to Company Directors that took the insolvency route with a Bounce Back Loan owing with wrongdoing having been discovered with that loan, but one case has just come to light which saw an eleven-year disqualification being handed out. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Starling Bank Refuse to Allow a Customer to Amend an Erroneous Turnover Figure to A Higher Amount to Access a High Value BBL, Ombudsman Says The Scheme Rules Did Not Allow It

Looking at the way banks and the powers that be are screaming “fraud” when someone over-egged their turnover figure to get a Bounce Back Loan, why they are not doing so when someone under-stated it or even let them correct that figure is anyone’s guess, which is what today’s case revolves around. […]