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British Business Bank Say That If You Used/Bought an Off the Shelf Dormant Company That Was Not Trading and Bagged a Bounce Back Loan “You Need to Think About That”

It was an open secret that some people bought an “off the shelf” Company with the aim of using it to bag a Bounce Back Loan, in fact, at the time of the BBL scheme being open to applications many people were outrageously advertising them for sale online for that purpose, but with a hugely increased purchase price. As for what is going to happen to those people […]

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Sarah from BEIS Forced to Admit She Lied to the Public Accounts Committee and Confirms Bounce Back Loan Lenders Can Call on the Guarantee Rapidly if a Borrower Cannot Repay – Writing Off a Bounce Back Loan Quickly and Easily

It is always good to see Government departments dragged in and grilled for telling big wobbly lies, and that is what Sarah Munby from BEIS was forced to experience yesterday in front of the Public Accounts Committee, and she revealed how easy it is for a Bounce Back Loan lender to claim on the guarantee for a BBL that a borrower cannot repay. In a previous appearance […]

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After Over 7 Months of Mental, Physical and Financial Torture My Bounce Back Loan Has Been Written Off – Rishi, HM Treasury, BEIS, and the British Business Bank and the Banks The Way You Acted and Continue to Act is Utterly Vile

Well, after over 7 months of being treated like a bag of old sh*t by Government Departments and a certain bank, I am letting you know that all traces of my Bounce Back Loan have vanished and it has been written off. Before I start, once again, I wish to thank my website subscribers whose support has helped me survive my nightmare journey, and my hope now is those unable to repay their BBL or put into a position in which they cannot repay have their BBLs written off too. As you will […]