BBL Questions Answered

What protections do I have?

For lending outside the Bounce Back Loan Scheme, the Consumer Credit Act ordinarily requires lenders to provide sole traders, small partnerships and unincorporated associations seeking finance up to £25,000 with information before a loan is […]

BBL Questions Answered

What BBL Checks will I be subject to?

Applicants are required to self-declare they meet the eligibility criteria for the Scheme. Applications from eligible borrowers will be subject to customer fraud, Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) checks. More BBL Questions […]

BBL Questions Answered

Can I repay a Bounce Back Loan early?

Early repayment is permitted at any stage, without early repayment fees.. More BBL Questions Answered Can I Apply for BBL for Different Businesses? What Can I Use A Bounce Back Loan For? What protections do […]