This section of the website looks at all manner of official Bounce Back Loan related complaints and the outcomes of each of them. If you are experiencing a problem with your BBL lender you may find others who have had a similar complaint sorted out, or even binned by the Ombudsman. You will find plenty of them to immerse yourself in below.
HSBC’s Pathetic “Safeguarding Reviews” Leaves a Sole Trader No Choice But to Fold His Business After They Locked His Account and Refused Him a Bounce Back Loan Too, He Complains Demanding £800,000 the Ombudsman Say HSBC Acted Unfairly and He Can Have an Equally Pathetic £150
Having heard from lots of people experiencing the “safeguarding reviews” HSBC force upon their customers including those with Bounce Back Loans, this case that has just been upheld by the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) is a shocking insight into that failed account review procedure and is a warning to those of you who do get one forced upon you, and the toothless numpties at the FOS who think £150 is suitable compensation. […]