Bounce Back Loan Poll Results Over the Last 10 Months

BBL Helpline


It will have been 10 full calendar months this coming Thursday that the Bounce Back Loan scheme has been up and running, and during that time I have put up many different polls on my Twitter account.

Whilst those polls sadly do vanish quickly down my timeline, many of you may have taken part in one or more of them, and what I have found is that they do give a true and real insight into what is on the mind of those either waiting for a Bounce Back Loan or those who have managed to get one.

One of the very first polls I ran was simply asking how much applicants had applied for, and the result of that poll was as follows:

That poll as you can see was on day two of the scheme, and currently some 1,500,466 Bounce Back Loans worth £45.61bn have been approved and paid out, which equates to an average BBL of £30,397.22.

As that poll proved accurate enough, I ran plenty of other ones, with one of the latest ones proving to be somewhat worrying:

Those figures give an insight into where many SME’s find themselves right now, and the wait is on until Wednesday when Rishi will let us know what final schemes, grants and any other initiatives will be launched before we all slowly start to emerge from lockdown and get trading once again.

Whilst we wait, I have put together another short video with the result of several other polls I have put up over the last 10 months, see what you make of the results and whether you associate with them yourself.