Baroness Penn Lies to Members of the House of Lords, Clearly Stating Bounce Back Loan Lenders Must Not Require the Borrower to Pay Any Lender Levied Fees of Any Description Including on Default, When It Is Happening Right Under Her Nose

BBL Helpline

Just a quick update on the unfolding scandal in which a Bounce Back Loan Lender is trying to scam lender levied fees onto those BBL recipients struggling to repay their loans.

Step forward Baroness Penn who states that is forbidden by the rules of the scheme.

The poor lass needs to get out more, into the real world, and find out what that dodgy Lender is up to right under her nose. Saying they cant charges fees, knowing they do, and refusing to do anything is outrageous.

Here is the link to the original story on this scandal >>

Urgent Warning – Is Your Bounce Back Loan Lender Demanding You Pay Fees and Charges When In Default or When Setting Up a Repayment Plan? Have They Said If You Don’t Pay They Will Take You to Court? – Do They Send Such Threats Telling You Not To Disclose It to Anyone? It’s Happening and The Government Refuse to Step in and Stop It!