Barclays Glitch Led to My BBL Being Delayed

BBL Helpline


Just wanted to let you know I’ve heard from my Barclays relationship manager today.

I think I’ve already upset him as he’s told me my local MP initiated a complaint on my behalf last week!

So, as you might remember (although how you are keeping up I’ll never know, hat’s off to you)

Im a 4th Mayer, last Friday I was able to access the application but he’s told me it was a glitch, I shouldn’t of been able as my details hadn’t been checked, we are a Company Ltd by guarantee and Companies House do not keep details of Directors.

Infuriating tbh, but it’s all automated, no credit checks are made (not that we wouldn’t pass those). The application will have to be made again, either by me, him or head office so we live in hope.

Hope you can explain to our fellow sufferers better than I have.

Keep up the good work.