Barclays Error Messages When Applying for a BBL

BBL Helpline


Hi, you said to message you about the problems I’m having with Barclays BBL.

I’m now the “can’t process you loan” message screen when I try to apply and I don’t understand. I should be eligible. I was on hold for 3 hrs last wk, to be told someone would call back, but that’s not happened either. Don’t know what to do.

The original message said to check details as may be incorrect, so I updated phone numbers and office address to match companies house as was using home address previously.

I updated my email address too because they must have mis keyed it on the system. It was correct on one screen, but not the other.

We were a Monday application! But have heard nothing as yet. We have the confirmation screen. But no more contact. Just wondering if we should apply again? Driving me crazy!