All I Can Do Is Badger the HSBC CEO Team

Emergency Fundraiser

Bounce Back Loan Helpline

Due to huge demand and lack of resources, on November the 9th 2024, I will be changing the helpline number and making it available to Subscribers and those who have made a Donation only. I kept it free and open to everyone for as long as I could possibly afford to, but alas, I can no longer afford to do so. Therefore if you cannot afford to subscribe or donate and need a chat but have been putting off calling, please do so before that date. Those who have donated/subscribed to the website, I am here for you, as I have been for the last almost 5 years, give me a call any time. – Mike

Applied for BBL Friday heard Nothing. Not even co formation of application. Applied again last night and had confirmation email in spam folder last night. This was with HSBC.

Newly self-employed and can’t get UC as someone I live with is working. Not related and their money is theirs not joint. Embarrassing from a first world country

Still had no response from HSBC so nearly many weeks ago this normal in your experience. Emailed Ian Stuart at HSBC last night. Hopefully will get somewhere with him. Heads gonna fall off soon haha”

Have you heard anything from HSBC? Emailed Ian Stuart over a month ago. Got complaints team. Said they would update in 3 days now been 22 days.  Heads gone don’t know where to look for help.

Note: With HSBC they have been so overwhelmed you need to continually badger them to get any type of update or progress with your Bounce Back Loan application.