After a Torturous Experience Barclays Paid my Bounce Back Loan

BBL Helpline


Finally…finally…Barclays have paid!! Massive thanks to you and this community it’s got me through what I can only describe as a torturous experience. It’s really hard to believe how easy the final bit was. Signed yesterday…paid today!!. Phew. THANKYOU for being there!. I’ll hang around and help any others with Barclays or at least prepare them for what the order of events seems to be as there’s a lot of hoops for us sole traders.

It did take some time…anyway below is something that’s just happened and wanted to let u know. Also has anyone else received this. Forgive my mistrust but it feels like starling are trying to cover their arses and wonder if anyone else has received the below:

I was part of the Starling Friday Night Cull, complained and sent that complaint to the financial ombudsman. Also I was a new customer so none of the flags they raised came up then and I’ve opened a Halifax account (hard credit check) and got my bbl from Barclays no flag. Even if this was the reason for a decline they could have surely checked with me.