Forty agonising weeks now some people have been waiting for an opportunity to actually apply for a Bounce Back Loan, and with the clock now ticking down to the end of the scheme it is looking likely that many people will not get the chance to apply for one sadly.
In fact, we are now fast approaching the date when Rishi Sunak will be announcing his “replacement loan scheme(s), and I think we all know they are going to be much more favourable to banks than they will be the SME’s, but we live in hope.
Anyway, week forty of the Bounce Back Loan scheme covered the days from Monday the 1st of February 2021 through to and including today the 7th of February 2021.
As I do each week, below you will be able to watch a short video in which I will show you some of the messages that I have received, which will give you some idea of the problems and successes those applying for a BBL have experienced.
Oh, and if you are wondering, it looks like it will be on the 22nd of this month when Rishi will give us some idea of what he has in store for us by way of the SEISS scheme and the new replacement loan scheme(s).
Below the video you will see what the British Business Bank told me when I asked them via a Freedom of Information request how the new scheme(s) would be structured etc. As usual it is all a big secret with them.
One of the messages you will see is about being contacted on Twitter by people saying they can help you get a BBL, steer well clear of such people.
I try and block and report to my contacts anyone I am aware/believe is a fraudster and will block those I know to be an idiot, troll or out and out wanker, they are often easy to spot as they will try and frighten, worry, or harass those in a dark place and spout utter shite. It takes a certain type of moron to do that in these times.
Even had tip offs from some of my female followers of sexual harassment from some trolls, so if I block you trot off you buffoon, no one likes you bar your mum downstairs, now tidy up your bedroom.
Keep the faith everyone, we will get through these dark times as a community.
Anyway, here is the week 40 video: