The Disqualification Files

A BBL Lender Did Not Check the BBL Database When Approving a Second BBL for a Company That Already Had One, Leading to a Director, Today Starting an 11 Year Ban, Blagging 2 BBLs Worth £100,000 in Total, Both of Which Were Left Unpaid

As the Company Director in this case applied for a second BBL for his Company in September 2020, that meant one of the Lenders did not check the BBL Database set up to stop duplicate applications being approved. The banks in this case, were, for reference, Barclays and NatWest. […]

The Disqualification Files

6 Year Ban Given to Company Director For Not Supplying Any Accounting Records to an Insolvency Practitioner Who Was Therefore Unable to Work Out if He Did or Didn’t Use a Bounce Back Loan for the Benefit of His Business

Here is yet another case related to as BBL and one in which a Company Director was given just a 6 year ban for failing to supply any accounting records to prove whether a Bounce Back Loan was used for the benefit of his business. […]