BBL Complaints and Outcomes

HSBC Customer Drops Himself In It By Complaining He Never Applied For and Never Spent the BBL the Bank Approved and States Whoever Applied for the BBL Had Over-Egged the Turnover – The Ombudsman Decides He Did Apply and is Liable for Repaying It

Another interesting BBL related complaint for you to peruse in which, in the Ombudsman’s opinion, after looking at the evidence, the bank did no wrong. Which does also mean the customer must have over-egged his turnover! […]

The Disqualification Files

Takeaway Owner Could Now Be Facing a Court Case and Even Jail for Bounce Back Loan and Company Law Wrongdoing, and He Is Today Starting a Ban for 7 Years

As you will see very clearly laid out in this case, for the associated wrongdoing listed, the Insolvency Service may be about to take the person named to court and could secure a conviction based on their success recently in similar cases, I will let you know if they do decide to take that route with the now banned Company Director. […]