The Disqualification Files

Another 7 Year BRO Handed Out to a Sole Trader For Over-Egging Turnover To Get a Bounce Back Loan and Using It For Personal Benefit

If you have been keeping track of my BBL Defaults Tracker that lists the punishments handed out by the Insolvency Service for those taking the insolvency/bankruptcy route when they have a BBL still owing and are subsequently found to have done some form of wrongdoing, it has just increased by another £50k, as per the […]

The Disqualification Files

Having Been Unable to Prove His Business Was Trading and Qualified for a £50K BBL That He Spent on Gambling Activities and Transfers to Individuals, a 10 Year BRO Has Just Been Handed Down to a Supposed Courier

It must have been like a lottery win for the individual in today’s case, for once he got his Bounce Back Loan of £50k, which he was not actually able to prove he was eligible for in the first place, he then went on to gamble with the funds and started making transfers to individuals. […]

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Sarah from BEIS Forced to Admit She Lied to the Public Accounts Committee and Confirms Bounce Back Loan Lenders Can Call on the Guarantee Rapidly if a Borrower Cannot Repay – Writing Off a Bounce Back Loan Quickly and Easily

It is always good to see Government departments dragged in and grilled for telling big wobbly lies, and that is what Sarah Munby from BEIS was forced to experience yesterday in front of the Public Accounts Committee, and she revealed how easy it is for a Bounce Back Loan lender to claim on the guarantee for a BBL that a borrower cannot repay. In a previous appearance […]