BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Co-Operative Bank Approve and Pay Out a Bounce Back Loan to a Customer Then Snatch It Back – Ben the Ombudsman Decides That Is Their Right and £100 Compensation Is Fair

It was and still is commonplace for many lenders to snatch back (for all manner of reasons) Bounce Back Loans that they had initially approved and paid out, and today I present to you the outcome of a complaint about a snatched back BBL that was sent to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS), was not upheld, and then went before an actual Ombudsman for a determination. Be aware that when you do send in a complaint to the FOS it is a caseworker that […]

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Massively Over-Egging His Business Turnover and Using a Bounce Back Loan for Personal Benefit Resulted in a Company Director Receiving a 7 Year Disqualification

The two most common reasons why a Company Director will end up with a lengthy disqualification when winding up their business with a Bounce Back Loan owing are using that loan for personal benefit and over-egging the turnover of the business to get the loan in the first place. Both of which it appears the Director in this case was guilty of doing […]