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Rishi Continues to Push Gullible Business Owners to Pay £750 For His “Teach Them How to Suck Eggs” Help to Grow Scheme – Give It Up Petal, You Cannot Polish a Turd

f you have ever been on one of those speeding awareness courses to get out of having 3 points added onto your driving licence, and you enjoyed being told how to suck eggs, then Rishi Sunak has another course you will no doubt love, that being his fabled “Help to Grow Scheme” which he claims has been reduced in price by 90% to just £750! Talk about being in cloud cuckoo land. […]

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After Causing a Huge Song and Dance That Bounce Back Loans Should Have Been Designed Like CBILS/CLBILS the British Business Bank Get a Slap for Lack of Due Diligence on the Latter

The British Business Bank are a gift that keeps on giving, but not in a good way and despite their hatred of Bounce Back Loans and their constant badgering of the Government pre-launch to make them more like CBILS and CLBILS, low and behold they have just been given a huge slap down by the National Audit Office. […]

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Swig Finance, White Rock and Newable Join the Ever Growing List of Lenders Accredited to Offer Recovery Loans, Plus the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy Promote the Let’s Do Business Group for Those Unable to Get Those Loans

The number of accredited Recovery Loan lenders has now grown by an additional three with Swig Finance, White Rock and Newable being given the greenlight in the last few days to offer those hard to get Government guaranteed loans. It is obvious however many lenders are applying to be accredited so that they can pawn applications off with […]