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Now It’s the Turn of Lloyds Bank to Start Messing About Their Bounce Back Loan Business Customers Blocking Debit Cards and Cancelling Direct Debits Forcing You to Speak to Them

Many verified reports coming in about Lloyds Bank blocking debit cards and cancelling Direct Debits if low and behold you miss a Bounce Back Loan repayment, it appears they are doing this to force you to speak to their team. This explains why most SMEs worried about the future are moving every penny out of their business accounts […]

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Accredited Government Backed Loan Lenders Realising Without a Write Off or Major Changes to the BBL Scheme Up to 75% Will Default – The Boss of One Such Lender Steps Forward and States Such

The benefit of me having direct contact with such a large network of SMEs that have taken out Bounce Back Loans, is that I know what they are going through, their worries and what they are faced with, and now the boss of one accredited Government backed loan lender has come forth and stated, as is obvious and something we all deep down know already, without changes to each of the loan schemes a much higher number of loans will be defaulted on than is currently being suggested. That lender is […]

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Further to My Report on Conister Keeping Quiet About PAYG Options, Surprise Surprise, After That Kick up the Arse They Have Started Sending Out Letters to Customers Offering Them

You certainly do have to keep hounding banks when it comes to the PAYG Options on a Bounce Back Loan, further to my report last week, surprise surprise they are now sending out letters to their BBL recipients letting them know the options available and giving them a direct email address to contact, below is one of those letters, as I know many of you were getting worried about the PAYG options with that bank, and yes, as expected it is a manual process. […]