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HSBC Cancel Imaginary Credit Cards and Threaten Some of Those They May Be Snatching Back BBLs from With the Police If They Use or Abuse the Imaginary Overdrafts and Imaginary Accounts They Don’t Have and Never Have Had – WTF? I Know, You Couldn’t Make It Up

Sometimes I believe the Bounce Back Loan scheme is all a bad dream and everyone experiencing problems (or not) with that scheme will wake up and realise it was indeed a nightmare. Today you will discover the latest nonsense from one of the accredited lenders of that scheme famed for their idiocy, that being HSBC, take a look at this letter […]

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HSBC Performing U-Turns on Bounce Back Loan Snatch-Backs and are Offering Some of Those They Demanded Return Their Loans the Same Repayment Terms

It appears HSBC are realising they made so many cock-ups during the Bounce Back Loan scheme they need to take it on the chin, and in fact they are doing just that. One customer of theirs who had been sent out a snatch-back letter earlier this year has just been told they can keep the loan and on the same repayment terms. However, in an added twist, the Financial Ombudsman decided they were right to demand repayment. […]