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Fancy a Job Untangling the Mess That is Bounce Back Loans? Well One Bank is Looking for You!

Got to love the brass neck of some banks, many of them have made a complete hash of the entire Bounce Back Loan scheme, and it is of course SMEs across the land that have suffered due to their mistakes, errors, and downright stubbornness to admit they have messed up. One bank is now looking for someone to correct those errors, albeit late in the day and the details of that job are […]

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No New Recovery Loan Lenders Accredited for 3 Weeks – Are Financial Institutions Too Embarrassed to Be Associated with That Hare-Brained Loan Scheme?

Either the British Business Bank are sulking and are on a go slow after their shameful smackdown from the National Audit Office over their accreditation of Greensill, or new potential Recovery Loan lenders are wary of signing up to that dubious scheme and have decided not to apply for accreditation to save their reputations. It has been […]

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After Causing a Huge Song and Dance That Bounce Back Loans Should Have Been Designed Like CBILS/CLBILS the British Business Bank Get a Slap for Lack of Due Diligence on the Latter Re Greensill

The British Business Bank are a gift that keeps on giving, but not in a good way and despite their hatred of Bounce Back Loans and their constant badgering of the Government pre-launch to make them more like CBILS and CLBILS, low and behold they have just been given a huge slap down by the National Audit Office. […]

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Bang On Cue Rishi Sunak Starts Doing the Rounds Proclaiming BBL PAYG Options, Even Though He Knows of the Difficulties Some People Are Having Taking Them, But He Does Admit Not Everyone Will Pay Them Back

Listening to Rishi Sunak, as you can do below, “bigging up” the Pay as You Grow Options on a Bounce Back Loan when you know he knows many people still cannot access them is galling, and banks will of course screw you for more interest when you extend them but that is something politicians love doing. Yesterday Rishi was doing the rounds talking about those options and as you will hear below, he does admit many people will not pay those loans back. […]