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Criteria and Extra Information Re Recovery Loans with Metro Bank

Have been sent the following regarding the criteria and information that Metro Bank will require if you wish to apply for a Recovery Loan with them. Sent in by one of my website visitors, many thanks for that, as Metro Bank never did get back to me when I asked them, all a big secret it seems with some banks, which is of course due to the interest rates they are all able to charge as part of the terms of the scheme. […]

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MP Working for BEIS Whose Husband Was Disqualified as a Director for 11 Years Sends Out Letter Confirming She, BEIS and Paul Scully Haven’t a Clue and Do not Care about SMEs

Today I present to you a letter sent out by Amanda Solloway MP on behalf of Paul Scully the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy in reply to a constituent of another MP who had complained about the Recovery Loan Scheme. In case you are unaware the husband of Amanda Solloway was the director of a debt […]

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Atom Bank Accredited for Recovery Loans, Only Via Brokers Most of Whom British Business Bank Cavorted with and Showed them How to Earn Huge Fees!

If you needed any proof that the British Business Bank are not SME friendly you only have to look at their latest accredited Recovery Loan lender, that being Atom Bank, who will only let you apply for one of those loans via a Broker, who will of course rinse you for fees. Remember the BBB did cavort with them recently showing them how to bag those juicy fees SMEs will end up paying. Another nice trick pulled by […]

The Disqualification Files

Government Set to Tackle Directors Who Have Inappropriately Wound-Up Companies That Have Benefited From Bounce Back Loans

Lots for you to read today, as the Government are now scrambling around like headless chickens in an attempt to do everything they can to stop or at least deter Directors winding up companies if they bagged a Bounce Back Loan, so grab a coffee and read on, and see what Kwasi Kwarteng and others are planning and are up to. Does it include MPs, Members of the House of Lords and Ex-PM’s? Take a Look.. […]