All Rishi's Fault

The Clueless Numpties at HSBC Ordered to Pay £4800 Legal Fees and £400 Compensation for Accusing a Customer Of Egging Their Turnover, Who They Told Could Estimate His Turnover But Conveniently Lose The Phone Recording Of, to Get a BBL and Giving Them a CIFAS Marker

Well, well, well, take a look at this corker of an outcome and a big shout out to Colin the Ombudsman for seeing right through HSBC…. If you have found yourself in a similar position give my helpline a call. […]

All Rishi's Fault

The Vile Monsters at HSBC Found to Have Wrongly Defaulted a Bounce Back Loan After Having Defamed and Accused the Recipient of Fraud, Ben the Ombudsman Calls Them Out and Says They Were Wrong and Orders Them to Pay Compensation

Its lovely to see that Ben over at the Financial Ombudsman Service has finally sussed what some BBL Lenders have been up to, have a read of this outcome to a complaint he received. If you are in need of legal advice re a similar situation give my helpline a call. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

HSBC Customer Drops Himself In It By Complaining He Never Applied For and Never Spent the BBL the Bank Approved and States Whoever Applied for the BBL Had Over-Egged the Turnover – The Ombudsman Decides He Did Apply and is Liable for Repaying It

Another interesting BBL related complaint for you to peruse in which, in the Ombudsman’s opinion, after looking at the evidence, the bank did no wrong. Which does also mean the customer must have over-egged his turnover! […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

HSBC Demand a BBL Back from a Customer, the Ombudsman Says That’s Unfair So Reinstate It, HSBC Throws a Hissy Fit and Kicks Off Hiding Behind the Secretive and Heavily Redacted BBL Agreement Customers Cant See and the Ombudsman Backs Down and Says They Now Are Acting Fairly

I do feel sorry for the customer in the following case, but ultimately the banks have got the Government and BBL customers screwed with the BBL agreement they had so much input in before the scheme was launched, so can act like it’s the Wild West. Have a read of this case and I am sure you will agree. […]