BBL Complaints and Outcomes

HSBC Block Customers Account as Part of a Review or “Safeguarding” Snatching Back That Customers Bounce Back Loan and Also Keeping His Non BBLs Funds – Ombudsman Says OK Keep That Extra Money After They Respond Very Late

Another barmy case to reveal to you today in which HSBC pull their usual dirty tracks, blocking a customers account, deciding they are snatching back a BBL and all other funds in his account, they then can’t even be bothered to reply to the Ombudsman’s on time, and keep that customer in the dark as to why they have done all of that. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Financial Ombudsman Decides NatWest Deserve a Slap for Taking An Age To Review a Customers Eligibility and Access to Their Already Approved Bounce Back Loan After Blocking That Customers Account and Orders Them to Pay Compensation

Many people out there are experiencing out of the blue “reviews” on their bank accounts and post drawn down checks on their eligibility to the Bounce Back Loan scheme, which can often see bank account access being restricted until such reviews are complete. A long and drawn-out case today in which Ben Jennings the Ombudsman orders compensation should be paid and gives his reasoning as to why. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Santander Tells a Customer They Can Amend an Incorrect Turnover Figure on a BBL Application But Do Not Let Them – The Ombudsman Says The Rules State It Cannot Be Amended Once Agreement Signed But Does Give Customer an Extra £100 in Compensation

Having seen how Company Directors are being slapped with long disqualifications when it turns out they over-stated their turnover to get a BBL then take the insolvency route, this case shows how unfair the rules of that scheme were, by not allowing a customer to amend the turnover when a mistake has occurred. […]

BBL Complaints and Outcomes

Metro Bank Approved a Customers BBL, Pay It Out But Block All Access to Those Funds Then Almost Five Months Later Do Not Honour the Agreement – Customer Asks For £21k In Compensation the Ombudsman Says £500 Is Fair

Metro Bank did approve many a Bounce Back Loan when the scheme was live and then snatch many of them back or simply did not pay them out, and weeks later tell the customer their once approved BBL was in fact declined. This case is one of many such complaints that has ended up on the desk of one of the Ombudsmen at the Financial Ombudsman Service about Metro Bank. […]