Receiving appalling service from Barclays. Supplied additional info over 4 weeks ago.
RM claims to have escalated our case but still nothing. Considering going via another bank or will this just mean more waiting time, what are your thoughts on applications to someone other than your current business account provider??
My Advice: You really are best advised, trust me on this, to badger the hell out of Barclays, you will face an even bigger nightmare with most of the other banks too.
Thanks, so bloody frustrating. I can’t understand why it’s taking so long, considering we were escalated over a week ago…the communication is dire.
Just to clarify people are experiencing the same as us. On the account we cant continue with the application because they required more info. This was NI numbers and DOB. This was sent over 5 weeks ago. So what we are waiting for is the nod from them to actually apply. Is this the same as others are experiencing?