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Details of the “Dodgy Database” I Hope the National Audit Office will Revisit as Part of Their Announced Investigation into British Business Bank over the Greensill Affair

This news update may be helpful to those of you who may have been declined a Bounce Back Loan due to the failure of the British Business Bank, to, in my opinion, play fair and be open and honest to people, as there is still time to get that decline overturned if you were caught up in the scandal I will reveal below. […]

British Business Bank

BEIS, British Business Bank and Their Accredited Lenders and Gobby Lib Dem MP Now “Fully Aware” of the Problems Naming BBL Recipients Will Cause

Some good news to report, my publication of the FOI Request reply from the British Business Bank giving their devastating and dire warnings into the dangers of publishing the names/details of all businesses who got a Bounce Bank Loan or CBILS/CLBILS has caused something of a kerfuffle, and it is being urgently addressed. […]

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BEIS Panic Stricken as Paul Scully Gleefully Boasts About Planned UK Transparency Database Website That May List Full Details of Everyone with a BBL

Bumbling Paul Scully, the somewhat unkempt buffoon from the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy still cannot tell you if your business details and possibly your personal details will be splattered all over an EU website.

But he appears very eager that they should be published on a new UK Transparency Database website, despite a dire warning from the British Business Bank that to do so will destroy many business, undermine confidence in banks and may put off those wanting to access the BBB schemes in future, and may even negatively affect the share price of companies. […]

British Business Bank

British Business Bank Confirm Lib Dem MP’s Pressure and the BEIS Wicked Scheme to Publicly Name Those Who Got a Bounce Back Loan Could Destroy Those Businesses

Some shock admissions were revealed in the Commons yesterday in an “Urgent Question” debate about David Cameron, Greensill, Rishi and the Government, one being both BEIS (Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy), and a Lib Dem MP, against the warnings given by British Business Bank, appear to want to name all those who got a Bounce Back Loan. Here are the documents. […]

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An Insight Into the Santander Recovery Loan Application Form – As They are Being So Secretive

As Santander are proving to be somewhat secretive, and having seen the horrific letters they are sending out to people they gave BBL’s to, snooping around their accounts and demanding to know as good as, what’s this, what’s that, where’s that/this etc, below for my subscribers, (once again many thanks to all of you, your support helps me do what I do), here are their Recovery Loan application forms for you to peruse. […]