The Disqualification Files

Director Over-Egged Turnover to Obtain a £50k BBL, Moved Funds to a Different Bank Account to Ringfence Them and Didn’t Disclose BBL at Liquidation – Upshot Is a 7 Year Disqualification

I have discovered a new term that I have not seen used before when it comes to the Insolvency Service explaining several reasons for slapping a Company Director with a disqualification, that being “ringfencing” Bounce Back Loan funds. That describes the act of moving funds from one bank account to another. […]

The Disqualification Files

Lack of Records/Accounts Meant Liquidator Unable to Ascertain Whether a Bounce Back Loan Was Validly Obtained and Whether Those Funds Were Used for Benefit of a Business – Director Hit With 8 Year Disqualification

As many people battle to keep their businesses trading right now, many have decided they have no other option but to close down. The number of businesses going bust and being liquidated is increasing, as too are the number of businesses doing so that had obtained a Bounce Back Loan. Today I bring you news of one […]

The Disqualification Files

Lack of Business Due to Lockdown and Mounting Debt Forced the Hand of a Company Director Who Applied for a £25k Santander BBL Which Was Then Used to Repay Personal Loans, the Upshot of Which Was a 6 Year Disqualification

Sadly, when it comes to the devastating effects of the pandemic, many business owners made decisions that they now regret. Another 6 year disqualification has been announced this time concerning a businesswoman that used a £25,000 Bounce Back Loan from Santander for personal use. […]

The Disqualification Files

Co-Directors Get a 7 Year Disqualification Each for Applying for a £50,000 BBL When Company Only Eligible for £24,288 and Using Over £10k for the Benefit of Themselves

This is the first disqualification I have come across concerning Co-Directors of a LTD Company, however both have been hit with a 7 year disqualification for applying for a BBL more than they were entitled to and using a chunk of it to benefit themselves and not the Company, here is an overview. […]

The Disqualification Files

What Happens If a Sole Trader Goes Bankrupt and Has a Bounce Back Loan BUT Used It for Personal Benefit, Over Egged Their Turnover or Got One When Not Eligible For One – Take a Look at These Recent Cases and the Outcomes of Them

Today I will be looking at some recent cases that I have come to light in which sole traders have chosen to go bankrupt, but have a Bounce Back Loan, and either over-egged their turnover, used it for personal benefit, were not eligible from one, or even gambled it away instead of using it for the benefit of their business, and I will give you an insight into how they were dealt with. […]