The Disqualification Files

Over-Egging Turnover to Get a Barclays £50k BBL and Stating Those Funds Were Sent to India for Software Development When in Fact Some Were Used For Personal Benefit Lands Company Director with a 7 Year Disqualification

Here are the details of another Company Director that took the liquidation route which then exposed all manner of wrongdoing with a Bounce Back Loan which was meant to be used for the economic benefit of the business. Upshot was a 7-year disqualification. […]

The Disqualification Files

Company Director Given a 10 Year Disqualification for Massively Over-Egging His Turnover to Get a Lloyds Bank Bounce Back Loan and Not Using It for the Benefit of the Company

Declaring that his business had a turnover of way more than it actually was to bag a Lloyds Bank Bounce Back Loan and also not even using the BBL funds for the benefit of his business and leaving it owing at liquidation has seen the Company Director below smacked with a 10 year disqualification. […]