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Stating His Business Turnover was £200,000 to Get a £50k Barclays Bounce Back Loan and a £10k Local Council Grant When It Was in Fact Just £354 Lands Company Director with an 11-Year Disqualification

There currently appears to be no end of Company Directors who decided to take the insolvency route as a way to get out of repaying their Bounce Back Loans, but as today’s case proves, when there was any dodginess involved with obtaining and/or using that loan, it always results in a long disqualification. In this case it was 11 years. […]

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Hefty 11 Year Disqualification Handed Out to Company Director for Over-Egging Turnover to Get a £50k Bounce Back Loan and Not Using it for the Benefit of the Business and for Leaving It Owing at Liquidation

A tale of money given to a friend to buy rugs and carpets from Pakistan the proof of which could not be shown with funds from a Bounce Back Loan, and over-egging his business turnover to get that BBL sees a Company Director hit with a hefty 11 year disqualification in this case. […]

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Company Director Over-Eggs Turnover to Get a £30k BBL and Uses Some of It For Personal Benefit Then Agrees to Repay All Sums Owed at Liquidation Over 49 Monthly Repayments Whilst Also Getting an 8 Year Disqualification

I have not seen an agreement reached with the Liquidator like the one in the following case, which saw a Company Director hit with an 8-year ban, but also agreeing to repay all funds owned including a Bounce Back Loan at the liquidation of his Company over 49 monthly payments. […]