The Disqualification Files

Another Four Bounce Back Loans Go To BBL Heaven, One Used to Fund a Feature Wall and Bathrooms, One Acquired By Over-Egging Turnover Used to Pay Off a Personal Loan and the Other Two Acquired By One Person Were Used to Trade Cryptocurrency

The roll call of one-time business owners, and some who didn’t even own a business who took out one or more Bounce Back Loans and left them unpaid at insolvency/bankruptcy is growing, and here are a few more cases that involve some form of wrongdoing that was uncovered with those BBLs. […]

The Disqualification Files

Barclays Customer Who Would Have Flown Under the Radar If They Had Made Repayments on Their BBL Even After Over-Egging His Business Turnover Ends Up Taking Insolvency Route and Gets an 8 Year Disqualification

Today’s case shows once again the madness of the Bounce Back Loan scheme, for it gives an insight into a Barclays customer who took out a £50k BBL but took the insolvency route and has just been handed an 8-year disqualification. Keep in mind that a Barclays boss has stated if you did over-egg the turnover but continue to repay you are not classed as a fraudster. […]

The Disqualification Files

Another Two 7 Year Bankruptcy Restrictions Orders Handed Out to Two Unrelated Business Owners One For Not Using His BBL For The Benefit of His Business and The Other For Over Egging His Turnover

Taking the Insolvency/Bankruptcy route if you have a Bounce Back Loan still owing will see the powers that be delving into what that loan was used for, and if you were eligible for a BBL in the first place. Any wrongdoing will, as the following two people found out, lead to some form of slapping by the Insolvency Service. […]