The Disqualification Files

Another Eight Bounce Back Loans Valued at £331,500 Go Bad With One Sole Trader Blagging Three BBLs Worth £124,500 When Only Eligible for One – Turns Out He Over-Egged His Turnover and Did Not Use the Funds to Help His Business

The guarantee claims on Bounce Back Loans are being put in by lenders at a growing pace, and today another eight of those loans have turned bad, with the recipients of them being slapped by the Insolvency Service for all manner of wrongdoing, here are those cases. […]

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8 Year Disqualification Handed Out to Company Director For Applying For and Getting a £50k BBL When Only Eligible For a £10k HSBC Bounce Back Loan

As for whether people are getting away with taking the insolvency route when they took out a BBL and left it unpaid at liquidation, when for example they over-estimated their turnover to get that loan, well over-estimating by more than an additional 25% of the 25% 2019 turnover figure used to determine a BBL’s value is deemed to be the tolerance limit before a long disqualification is handed out, as you will see in the case below. […]