The Disqualification Files

After Obtaining a £50k Barclays Bounce Back Loan By Over-Egging the Business Turnover and Using Most of It For Personal Use, Then Taking the Insolvency Route Leaving the BBL Unpaid a Company Director Gets Slapped with a 10 Year Disqualification.

A large number of the disqualifications being handed out for Bounce Back Loan wrongdoing are for 10 years and the wrongdoing with often sees that level of ban being given is for over-egging turnover and using the BBL for personal use, which is just what the Company Director in this case did. […]

The Disqualification Files

Despite Being Able to Estimate His Business Turnover a Company Director Has Been Hit with an 8 Year Disqualification for Over-Estimating It When Applying for a Barclays Bounce Back Loan But He Did Use it for Personal Benefit

You are in for a slap if you overestimated your business turnover to get a Bounce Back Loan and used that BBL for personal benefit, then took the insolvency route with that loan still owing, and today’s case did see a Company Director get an 8-year ban for the reasons outlined. […]