The Disqualification Files

Having Taken a Barclays Bounce Back Loan Out for His Company Another Director Takes the Insolvency Route Which Reveals He Over-Egged His Turnover and Didn’t Spend the Money on His Business So Gets a 10 Year Ban

Reading stories like this one, you will see the reason Barclays and now threatening to compare lots of their Bounce Back Loan recipients declared turnover with HMRC. By the way, for the following wrongdoing the named Director is now starting a 10 year ban. […]

The Disqualification Files

With No Accounting Records the Liquidator Was Unable to Determine if a Company Was Eligible for a Bounce Back Loan and What It Was Spent on Before it was Wound Up, So Director Receives a 9 Year Ban

The mystery of whether the Company named below was eligible for the £50k Bounce Back Loan it received and also where the money went will never be known, due to the reasons outlined below, which result in the Director of that firm being banned for 9 years. […]

The Disqualification Files

Getting a £15k Bounce Back Loan When Not Eligible and Then Getting His Company Struck Off to Get Out of Repaying That Loan Lands Director with an 11 Year Disqualification

Not the highest valued Bounce Back Loan by any stretch of the imagination, but as you will see, the £15k the Company Director blagged in today’s case never did get paid back and as such the taxpayer is left to pay it back to the bank, whilst he is disqualified for 11 years. […]